Interpretation at Religious Heritage Sites

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Communication, Educational and Humanities School Universitat Internacional de Catalunya


This paper delves into the concepts, challenges, and techniques associated with heritage interpretation at sacred sites. The goal is to offer guidance on creating a meaningful experience through an efficient heritage interpretation system at holy sites. A qualitative literature review consolidates peer-reviewed papers, reports, case studies, and online resources on interpretation methods, challenges, and resolutions. The paper initially analyzes heritage interpretation, including its goals and elements. The study focuses on the difficulties associated with interpreting religious heritage destinations. It highlights the importance of having spiritually trained guides and site managers who can effectively convey the sacred message of these sites rather than simply providing information about their historical and architectural aspects. Furthermore, the paper outlines techniques to improve visitor experiences, including establishing a welcoming atmosphere, integrating spiritual elements, and fostering a better comprehension of the site's importance. By implementing these measures, religious heritage sites can enhance interreligious harmony, conserve religious legacy, and encourage cross-cultural understanding.


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